After ` Thanmatra` Mohanlal is again teamed with director Blessy for the new Film `Bhramaram`. In this film, Mohanlal plays a school dropout who works as a jeep driver in the high range area. The movie unfolds his journey from Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu to Marayoor in Idukki District of Kerala. He meets different people along his journey and on the way of his journey there is great twist and it will be revealed as the story unfolds on the screen.
Popular Tamil-Telugu-Hindi actress Bhumika Chawla Plays as Mohanalal`s wife in the film. Lakshmi Gopalaswami has also play an important role in this film. The film also introduces Bharath Gopi`s son Muralikrishnan and Mimic - comedian Suresh Menon. Both of them plays the role of Mohanlal`s friends in this film. Other cast includes Madan Babu, Murali Krishnan, Baby Nivedhitha, etc.
Produced by Raju Mallyath and Zulfikar under the banner of Yuvan Entertainments and releases Max Lab Entertainments. Mohan Sithara churns music for Anil Panachooran `s lyrics and Mohanlal sung a song for this movie. Noted cameraman Ajay Vincent, son of director Vincent, is making a comeback to Malayalam with Brahamaram. The film will be Mohanlal`s summer release.