Saturday, April 20, 2024

Chintu Ji

Chintu Ji is a Bollywood - movie directed by Ranjit Kapoor,. Starring Rishi Kapoor,Priyanshu Chatterjee,Kulraj Randhawa,Saurabh Shukla,Annu Kapoor,Grusha Kapoor,Swadesh Badhu,Vishal Bahl,Gaurav Bhattacharya, Kanchan Bisht,Sophiya Chaudhary,Sanjiv Chopra,Gilles Chuyen,Pankaj Dubey,Dheerendra Dwivedi,Ashish Ghosh,Surender Gill,Bhupesh Joshi,Teekam Joshi,Chander Kalra,Kamal Shabnam Kapoor,Neha Kaul,Ishtiyak Khan,Sergei Khashkouski,Hemant Maahaor,Mahendra Mewati,Natasha,Padmashree,Govind Pandey,Harry Parmar,Manisha Pradhan,Shubhdip Raha,Anil Rastogi,Kseniya Ryabinkina,Vishal Saini,Virender Sharma,Atamjit Singh,Sahib Singh,Veer Pratap Singh,Amitabh Srivastava,Pankaj Tripathy,Sanjeev Vatsa,P.D. Verma,Dinesh Yadav.

Chintu Ji Cast / Crew
DIRECTOR: Ranjit Kapoor,.
PRODUCER:Bobby Bedi,Gautam Talwar.
STORY WRITER:Ranjit Kapoor.

Grusha Kapoor

Swadesh Badhu

Vishal Bahl

Gaurav Bhattacharya

Kanchan Bisht

Sophiya Chaudhary

Sanjiv Chopra

Gilles Chuyen

Pankaj Dubey

Dheerendra Dwivedi

Ashish Ghosh

Surender Gill

Bhupesh Joshi

Teekam Joshi

Chander Kalra

Kamal Shabnam Kapoor

Neha Kaul

Ishtiyak Khan

Sergei Khashkouski

Hemant Maahaor

Mahendra Mewati



Govind Pandey

Harry Parmar

Manisha Pradhan

Shubhdip Raha

Anil Rastogi

Kseniya Ryabinkina

Vishal Saini

Virender Sharma

Atamjit Singh

Sahib Singh

Veer Pratap Singh

Amitabh Srivastava

Pankaj Tripathy

Sanjeev Vatsa

P.D. Verma

Dinesh Yadav

Chintu Ji Synopsis

Hadbahedi is a small but beautiful village/town. It competes for resources and recognition with a neighboring corrupt town Triphla. Hadbahedians believe that they have been totally neglected by the state and seek an identity of their own under Arun Bakshi’s leadership. Things brighten up when Arun discovers that Chintu Kapoor was actually born in their village 55 years back. They invite him and he accepts their invitation as he is looking at politics and wants to make a comeback in a big way and Hadbahedi could well be his constituency.

Arun leads the people of Hadbahedi to dress up the town to welcome Chintu. Chintu arrives in Hadbahedi along with Devika Malhotra, a young, dynamic, smart and intelligent executive of the PR agency hired to help realize Chintu`s political dreams. Chintu is a nuisance at Hadbahedi and treats the innocent people of Hadbahedi with contempt. Devika however is able to relate to their simplicity and love for Chintu. Matters worsen when Chintu meets with an accident which immobilizes him and forces him and Devika to stay put in Hadbahedi. Arun and Devika get along well and their romance blossoms through the story while ruthless Chintu is falling prey to the tempting monetary and political offer made by Triphla.

In the meantime, an anxious Mumbai producer Malkani decides to finish his film featuring Chintu, at Hadbahedi itself. Arun mobilizes the town to help the guests in accomplishing their task.

Arun has a troublesome past. He would’ve come to hide in Hadbahedi 6 years back! Arun`s past continues to haunt his relationship with Devika, and to make matters worse a person from the past appears in Hadbahedi!

The town by now starts getting the media and government’s attention due to Chintu`s stay in Hadbahedi. Arun leads the entire movement. Prosperity follows, and the urban vices become a threat to Hadbahedians.

Several comic and poignant situations follow. Then Arun becomes a witness to the secret meeting of Chintu with Triphla and he assumes that Devika is hand in glove with Chintu in this. Tensions follow but Arun and townsfolk will not speak ill of Chintu as their own reputation shall suffer. Devika, moved by the gesture, leaves Chintu and joins Arun.

Throughout the film and at it’s climax the simplicity and goodness of the town folk is pitted against the selfish and ruthless behaviour of Chintu and other visitors. Chintu with the tempting offer from Triphla, on one side, and Arun Devika with the townsfolk on the other, are at the middle of a see-saw climax while concurrently Arun’s past unfolds for the audience.

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