Actor Akshay Kumar has praised Union Ministers Nitin Gadkari and Rajyavardhan Rathore and badminton coach Pullela Gopichand for showcasing and supporting talent at a grassroot level.The 50-year-old actor on Sunday night took to Twitter and shared a selfie with Minister for Road Transport and Highways Gadkari, Sports Minister Rathore and Chief National Coach of Indian Badminton team Gopichand from the Khasdar Krida Mahotsav."Kudos to Gadkariji for providing this platform, Rathoreji and Gopichand for their support. Hope it helps to bring more sporting talent to the forefront," he captioned the image. Read More
I've no pressure to look a certain way: Parineeti ChopraParineeti Chopra got under the scanner for her drastic weight loss, with some praising her dedication and some criticising her for sending out a negative message on body image. But the actress says she doesn't always pay attention to what people are talking about to avoid getting caught in a "vicious circle".She feels no pressure to look a "certain way"."You can't always pay attention to what people are talking about you. If you do, you will get into a vicious circle. You have to feel good, you have to feel fit. Fitness is extremely subjective and that's the fun of it," Parineeti told IANS in an email interview. Read More