Bollywood star Akshay Kumar unveiled another poster of his upcoming flick, 'Gold'.The poster features Akshay and his team with the background of the Indian flag. The poster carries a strong message in Hindi, which says 'Revenge for 200 years of slavery.'poster_july31.jpg"alt="" class="img-responsive">Khiladi Kumar also celebrated a 'golden moment' with his 'Gold' team yesterday during the film's promotions.Read More
Case against 'Satyameva Jayate' for hurting religious sentimentsA case has been registered against upcoming Bollywood movie 'Satyameva Jayate' by the Shia community in Hyderabad for allegedly hurting religious sentiments.As per the complainant, a 'Maatam' (mourning) scene in the film has hurt religious sentiments of a Muslim sect.Shia community head, Nisar Hyder, said that a complaint was lodged in regard with the Deputy Commissioner of Police, South Zone, V. Satyanarayana for further action.Read More