Actress Pia Bajpai, who will be seen in a bilingual Tamil/Malayalam film "Abhiyum Anuvum", will be sporting a bald look in the movie.Pia will be seen opposite actor Tovino Thomas in the Yoodlee Films production."I'm having a bald look for a couple of scenes in the film and it's been very challenging for me. It used to take three to four hours just to place that properly and have that look. For a fact, if I had to start the shoot at 7 a.m., I had to start getting ready at 3 a.m. And more than that the whole day for 12-13 hours having that on my head, was very difficult," said Pia in a statement.Read More
Didn't have qualms about shaving head for 'Abhiyum Anuvum': Pia BajpaiActress Pia Bajpai, who will next be seen in upcoming Tamil-Malayalam bilingual "Abhiyum Anuvum", says she didn't hesitate to tonsure her head for the sake of her character because the story demanded it.Read More