Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Just a good body won't make you sexy: Bipasha Basu

Glamorous Bipasha Basu, who sizzled in "Race" and "Bachna Ae Haseeno", says confidence, poise and intelligence are a must to look sexy.
"For me, being sexy is an amalgamation of many factors - definitely a good physique and a perfect-10 for health. A good face helps. But confidence, poise and intelligence are musts. Just a body won't do," Bipasha told IANS in an interview.

The actress, who was selected Asia's sexiest woman last year by the Eastern Eye newspaper in Britain, says she enjoys her "sexy" image.

"I'm sure any man or woman would be flattered being called the sexiest. I don't see why I've to justify myself for being happy about being called sexy. I feel elated about it. You can't take it away," she said.

Excerpts from the interview:

Q: How do you define sexy?

A: It's defined differently from person to person. Those who know me know I'm a very down-to-earth girl with no pretensions to being a diva. For me, being sexy is an amalgamation of many factors - definitely a good physique and a perfect 10 for health. A good face helps. But confidence, poise and intelligence are musts. Just a body won't do.

Q: You were selected as Asia's sexiest woman last year.

A: Yes, and I'm proud of it. I read a journalist taunting me about how serious I tried to sound about being chosen the sexiest woman in Asia. I'd just like to see how she'd react if she got the same title. I'm sure any man or woman would be flattered being called the sexiest. I don't see why I've to justify myself for being happy about being called sexy. I feel elated about it. You can't take it away.

Q: How do you fob off unwanted attention?

A: I've no time or opportunity to think about unwanted attention. Most of the day I'm at work. Besides sets, the only place I go to is the gym. Otherwise, I enjoy being at home. I may be a very sexy person, but I lead a very boring life.

Unwanted attention? Yes, there're intrusions. I completely shut it out. I've been blessed with blindness. I'm so myopic I don't see people staring at me. Maybe that's why I don't understand this whole concept of wearing a robe on top of your shooting clothes. Because you're going to shed the robe in front of the camera. Since I wear skirts, dresses and shorts in real life, why should I get coy about them on sets? I believe in comfort clothing. I wear a robe on the sets only when I'm extremely cold. I know it gives people a shock to see me walking up and down in shorts. But my logic is simple. I can't see them. So they can't see me.

Q: Do you wear non-comfort clothes for a role?

A: No. I think it's very important for me to be comfortable in what I'm wearing even on screen. I'm in good shape and I am not body-conscious. There's no clothing that would look alarming on me. Having said that, I must say I live in a protected environment and can wear what I want and be how I want. I've people cordoning off what you call unwanted attention. I don't represent the working-class girl. But I do understand the predicament of the girl on the road because I used to be one.

Q: So how do you advise the girl on the road to dress and behave?

A: She certainly can't be as carefree as me. She has to dress correctly. And if anything untoward happens with the opposite gender, she should take it on headlong. If I see rubbish going on around me, I react. I've slapped people on the road. I'm quite fiery. No one can mess with me. My sister in Kolkata travels by local train. But she knows how to take care of herself. She doesn't need a man to keep her secure on the road.

Q: Does having John Abraham by your side keep away the wolves?

A: If they want to be unbecoming, they ignore John. However, if he stands right next to me, he can become very intimidating. I'm told even I'm intimidating. When I'm at work I don't tolerate any shoddiness. My logic is simple. If I give a hundred percent, I expect others to do the same. People are on their toes when they're working with me.